Be yourself....not!
Will you change yourself for love?
If one day, cowok atau cewek lu tiba2 minta lu brubah buat dia, will you do that?
Misalkan nich, cewek lu tiba2 bilang, "gue mau lu rambutnya panjang kayak F4" , padahal lu benci banget yg namanya rambut model gitu, krn susah diatur and ribet sana sini, will you do that for her?
Another example, misalkan nich, cowok lu tiba2 bilang "menurut gue lu mestinya pake contact lens daripada kacamata", padahal lu lebih prefer kacamata krn its more comfortable for you, will you do that for him?
Gue tiba2 mikir soal ini, krn temen gue tiba2 nanya ke gue, "yun pernah nga cowok lu nuntut lu buat lebih pinter?" Trus gue nanya donk, "napa emang-nya?"
Ternyata ceweknya (temen gue co btw) rada "maksa" buat supaya dia dapet nilai bagus buat exam2-nya (rada lucu sih gue pikir2, kok kayak nyokap2 =p) and buat dapet nilai lebih bagus itu, dia mesti sacriface waktu dia buat maen basket (which he like so much). But he willing to do that. He did change for her.
Gue mrasa ini nga adil buat temen gue. DIA itu DIA, kenapa mesti brubah buat ceweknya? Bukan-nya ce-nya suka dia pertama-nya krn DIA itu DIA? So why the sudden request?
Males banget.....
Do you ever tired of talking to someone? What I mean by talking is having a conversation with that specific person! Well I did.
I know that person, let just say the name is A, I have known A for quite sometime. And we never have trouble find a conversation topics, and we still don't. But suddenly I feel tired of talking to A. Tired of telling A what happen today, tired of telling A my whole fun story, tired to answer A's questions, I'm just tired. I even avoid A when A was online on MSN (thats really unusual, coz we used to talk of endless topic on msn).
AT first I have no idea, why that happen? It's kind of impossible. But I just figured, it because A always want to know what happen in my life. When I dont tell, A will say "Gitu lu Yun ya" -_-
Argghhh that really pissed me off. CAn you sometimes just mind your own business? Huh.....
Sunday 11 am, bangun tidur ku terus mandi, terus bantuin pindahan.... Hari ini gue bantuin 4 orang pindahan, gile sih (seharusnya 5 org sih, tapi gue janji helpnya jam 10, and since gue bangun jam 11, telat dechhh , sorriiiii dechhh...)
2 dari temen gue ini tinggalnya di studio efficiency gitu, kecil and compact tapii..... oh my god barangnya banyak banget. Gue sampe ikutan pusink... Kita sibuk2 bersihin karpet, ngepack-in barang, masukin ke u haul, etc etc. By jam 4, semua udah teler, gimn nga teler, pada blon makan semua dari pagi and kita udah ngangkutin berapa puluh kardus and barang yg berat-nya udah nga tau berapa kg. Haiyaaa...Akhirnya pas kita makan (di buffee nich) makan-nya dah kayak org rakus semua,kayak berapa hari nga makan, huahahaha. lucu juga sih.
My biological clock
Gue pusink nih sekarang....Summer dah mau habis, sekolah dah mau mulai, tapi biological clock gue masih kacau. Bayangin yach, gue tiap malem (salah ding, tiap subuh) baru bisa tidur jam 5 atau jam 6 pagi. And bangun jam 12 atau 1 siang gitu, gilaaa itu udah setengah hari abis.
Waktu masa liburan, itu sih no problem, gimana kalo waktu sekolah? Gimana solusi-nya dong? Skip semua kelas pagi atau ambil kelas yg semua-nya evening classes?
Nah sebelon mulai sekolah, gue rencana mau normalin gue punya biological clock. But I think I already messed up pretty bad with it. So its kind of hard for me to back to normal. Buktinya, pas gue ngetik ini, jam laptop gue udah jam 1:05 AM and gue masih totally seger, padahal kemaren cuman sempet tidur malem 1 jem (long story...) and tadi napping 2 jem doang. Total jem tidur gue kemaren brarti cuman 3 jam -_- Gimana coba???
Love is....
What is love?. Can you tell what is love? Kapan lu bisa ngerasa that lu really falling in love and not just a fling? Can you make it sure? Can you predict that the guy or the gal was your true love? Is you can, what make you sure?
In my personal opinion, love is when you tried to protect your beloved from everything which are bad. Because your heart is bleeding when you see he/her hurt, eventhough the "hurt" was probably only a small knife cut. I think no matter what type of love is that (friendship love, family love or love between man and woman), love means protect and care. You will always want to protect and take care you loved ones.
I know this sound melankolis (or what ever you called it) after all I just learn about this after reading novels and watching movies, but isn't fiction was reflection of real life?
saturday events
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, hari ini disiram gue pas mau nyuprisin temen b'day. Gue pikir pertamanya cuman b'day boy doang yg disiram, tapi kok semua? oh well I think its kind of fun sih, but rada gimn juga. unexplainable.
Eniwei nonton tom cruise nich sore tadi, padahal nga mau nonton film anything with tom cruise, but I guess since, tom cruise nya jahat, gpp laaa =p
Maem di ocean grill, di capital, dah lama nich nga coba2 resto2, pingin lagi nyoba2 gitu, seru juga, bisa adventure.
Siangnya sebelon nonton sama makan, maen laser quest, fun abis, gue mau tuh maen sering, walaupun peringkat 18 dari 22, okay laaaa =p second timer.
Malem-nya kayak kemaren kumpul2 di rumaaahh gue lagi, asikkk, seruuu bangeeeeeeeeeeeetttttt, gw seneng banget, heuhehhee. maen cap sah, uno, ama risk. Gue mesti blajar nich maen risk (ama chris sih yg jago), kemaren gue di babat abis ama yg laen, kalah, hik hik hik.
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summer daaahh mau abisss, hik hik
Waaaa udah tgl 7 agustus niiicchh. Summer dah mau kelar. sedih, hik hik. udah nga bisa maen2 lagi, nga bisa sering2 bikin kue, nga bisa sering kumpul2, trus dingin laagiii.
Weekend di fall nga mungkin bisa kayak skrg dech. *sighed*
I did some thinking yesterday, kok gue nga pingin pulang indo ya summer ini? Padahal biasa gw pulang setengah taun sekali. Kalo nga pulang kayaknya dunia dah mau kiamat. Kali ini nga kangen sama sekali di indo. Setelah gue pikir2 ternyata, krn gue punya banyak bolo kali ini, nga seperti summer2 taun kemaren. Trus nyokap gue juga dah dateng, so no reason laaa for going home (I guess I love her that much hah). This summer is full of fun.
That's why gue sedih, summer dah mau abis (apalagi I think this is my last summer at madison). Mana critanya blon kelar lagii (moga2 bisa kelar in few day.) Masih banyak kerjaaan lagii. Haiyaaaa.
Devils Lake
Today, I was going for some BBQ at the Devils Lake. Don't asked me why they named it Devils Lake. It 's just it. After BBQ, we planned for some hiking. Well since I was still suffering from the previous 2 straight hours badminton games, gw pikir nga usah ikutan laaa, masih sakit juga. Tapi semua pada hiking, gw jadi sendirian kalo nga ikutan. Akhirnya dengan penuh keberanian, gw paksain buat naek juga.
Along the trail, some peoples were glace over me, huehheee. The reason was simple, I guess they never saw someone who wear skirt and high heels do some hiking. But I did =p
Although halfway through it, I'm changing my high heels to sandals, but I keeping the skirt.
Sukses juga sih gw, nyampe di "finish". But I was so tired, not to mentioned that my legs were killing me. Fun though. Pulang, ngantuk berat dan akhirnya napping. Kayaknya semua juga cape dech, kita nga kumpul2 dech, yaaa, rada kecewa sih, but oh well. Sunday is coming up and "big" plan are set for tomorrow, I hope =p