
written by 21 years old female. Borned in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia and live in Madison, Wisconsin USA.

Sunday, February 13, 2005


Hi Everyone,
I'll be so busy this few months, and I will not be able to update this blog often.
So I decided to move my writing to Xanga,
Why? Well its because I personally feel xanga is more light and everyday life and I guess because many of friends use xanga.
I will be back to blogger, when I already have good experience with html so I can make my page looks great ^_*

Until then, I offically declared that this blog is in hiatus.

Best Regards,

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I'm back!

Akhirnya, setelah sibuk with all the finals and trus pulang indo for the whole month, I'm back. Both back to Madison and write this blog. But seeing my seventeen credit and ten hours of work that I am taking this semester make me doubt that I'll actively write this blog *sighed*

Anyway, as usual, Indo is wonderful, both Jakarta and Surabaya. Life was so nice there. With my most wonderful parents, my funny sister and my cute brother, what can I ask for more?
Heii....I know what you thinking, I miss one thing. Well it is not really my priority now. But if God decided to grant me one, then I will gladly accepted =D
Huah *sighed*, what a wonderful holiday....

Back to Madison, beside meaning back to reality as a college student also meaning back to meet all my great friends. Eveline, Gunawan, Carla, Elka, Manda, Reggie, Xiao Gie, Chris, Mira, and still many many more. Unfortunately, Evie is back for good already, she just said to me that life in Surabaya nowadays is boring (of course is boring, without me kok...hehehehe)

Too much confidence, huahaha, btw suprisin both Eveline and Reggie this January, the 21st and the 24th. Happy Birthday you guys, Thanks for always be there for me.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

The Feeling

Hei you! do you know that I miss you? I miss talking to you, I miss telling you my story, I miss your advices, I miss your concern over me, I miss your joke, I miss you..... Not sure when we will meet again, but "soon" is the word that I'm looking for. Somehow this feeling is here, I have no idea why, I never felt this way before, but I do now.
If I told this to you, you probably only smile and then advice me not to listen too many love songs or watch too many dramas :) But I think eventhough I do less of that, I will still miss you.
I hope that I will meet you soon, and you will see me as a different person. I changed you know!
I have move toward maturity. And I really hope that it will make me a better person.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Apel and Love

Apel ada bermacam-macam, besar kecil dan warna-warni. Ada apel yang di luar terlihat merah dan menggiurkan, tapi didalamnya ternyata sudah busuk. Ada juga apel yang terlihat mentah dan masam, tapi sebenarnya manis. Love is like an Apple. You never know the taste, if you never experience it before ( from expect a miracle).
Baru aja, gua nonton satu movie yg menurut gua bagus banget, Expect a Miracle. Cinematography-nya emang nga terlalu bagus, tapi inti cerita-nya bagus banget. Simple love story that funny, and somehow in some part I can relate it to myself. Mungkin krn itu ya, gua jadi suka banget.

Interesting ya cerita tentang apel ini, and I think is so true.

Anyway, need to go back to study. These past few weeks, I really turn out like a nerd, study, study and study. Haiyaa, Ganbatee girl, you can do it.

ps: buat Elka and Eveline, Ganbatee juga yaaaa.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Sahabat sejati

"Betapa menyenangkan punya sahabat sejati..."
Hati anda gundah. Masalah tak kunjung selesai. Situasi buruk. Siapa yang anda cari? Guru? Orang tua? kebanyakan orang muda akan mengungkapkannya kepada teman.
Apa sih persahabatan itu? Ada yang namanya kenalan, teman, sobat dekat, sahabat sejati. Kita pasti punya kenalan. Orang-orang yang bisa kita temui, tetangga yang kita sapa, pak tua yang tinggal di RT 12, si Noni yang cantik, si Bejo yang ganteng...pinter lagi. Bila sering bertemu, saling sapa, kita jadi lebih mengenalnya, dan mungkin bisa jadi teman.
Teman-teman akrab terjalin karena minat dan kegiatan yang sama. Saling membagi pengalaman, ambil waktu untuk bergaul itu semua menyenangkan.
Namun sahabat sejati adalah dambaan dan kebutuhan setiap orang...dia akan berdiri di sisi kita, tak peduli apapun situasinya. Dia mendengarkan kita dan secara tulus memiliki minat akan sesuatu demi kebaikan kita. Dia akan menyampaikan kebenaran, meskipun kadang menyakitkan. Tapi kita harus lapang dada, sebab maksudnya baik dan dilakukan untuk kebaikan kita.
Carilah selalu teman dan sahabatmu di seluruh dunia!!!

Gua dapet artikel ini dari website adek gua, dia dapet inspirasi dari sebuah buku dan post in di website-nya.

Sahabat sejati adalah teman yg akan berdiri di sisi kita no matter what, punya niat tulus dan akan melakukan yg terbaik buat sahabat-nya. Gua 100% stuju ama dia, tapi yg jadi pertanyaan sekarang, apakah gua punya kriteria itu, sehingga gua bisa dikategorikan sahabat sejati buat seseorang???
Kalo direfleksi, gua sendiri bakal bilang gua punya, tapi pertanyaan-nya sekarang...apakah gua udah nunjukin itu ke sahabat gua? Apakah mereka merasakan? If not I need to do something to fix it!
For sure I do have "sahabat sejati". They stand behind me and support me all the way. I feel really blessed by having them.

ps: I recently learn that selfishness and ego can stand in way of a friendship.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Tuntutan dunia

Gua capeek....
Gua merasa dunia itu penuh dengan tuntutan, and kita sebagai manusia harus berusaha memenuhi tuntutan itu supaya kita bisa survive.
Misalnya aja, kita jadi students harus pinter, kalo nga pinter nanti susah dapet kerja and malu-malu-in keluarga. Jadi cowok mesti punya pemikiran luas, kalo sempit, katanya kekanak-kanakan. Jadi cewek mesti pinter masak, salah satu kritiria jadi ibu rumah tangga yg baik. Trus masih ada lagi, tuntutan physical appearance, yg akhirnya bikin banyak org operasi plastik la....suntik botok la... sedot lemak la..... and masih banyak lagi.
Gua capek! tuntutan dunia ini udah overwhelmed gua, tapi dipenuhi merupakan satu "keharusan". Sering banget gua berkhayal bisa balik ke masa kecil, dimana gua nga perlu peduli tuntutan dunia, hidup tenang dan bahagia, nga perlu pusink kiri, pusink kanan, but again itu cuman kahayalan.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Nobody is Perfect

Gue baru-baru ini mengamati kiri kanan gue. Gue perhati-in org2 di sekitar gue. And.... I noticed something and I want to share with everyone. I notice that nobody is perfect.

As examples, Si A, he's so cool, he's nice, handsome, but not that smart. L, she's active, she's mature, but she's soooo bosy ( I mean it, she's so bosy and its really annoy me) that make her not nice.
M, she's smart, she's nice, she's rich, but she's can be consider as a geek. Last one is S, he's smart, capable in almost everything, good looking, and great friend too, but dia org-nya lupa-an.

Abis merhati-in mereka, gue jadi nyadar, ternyata Tuhan itu emang adil, semua org ada kelebihan ama kekurangan-nya masing-masing.

Somehow I felt my confidence rise. I used to fell that I'm this one ugly, stupid duck, but now, not anymore.