
written by 21 years old female. Borned in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia and live in Madison, Wisconsin USA.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Males banget.....

Do you ever tired of talking to someone? What I mean by talking is having a conversation with that specific person! Well I did.
I know that person, let just say the name is A, I have known A for quite sometime. And we never have trouble find a conversation topics, and we still don't. But suddenly I feel tired of talking to A. Tired of telling A what happen today, tired of telling A my whole fun story, tired to answer A's questions, I'm just tired. I even avoid A when A was online on MSN (thats really unusual, coz we used to talk of endless topic on msn).
AT first I have no idea, why that happen? It's kind of impossible. But I just figured, it because A always want to know what happen in my life. When I dont tell, A will say "Gitu lu Yun ya" -_-
Argghhh that really pissed me off. CAn you sometimes just mind your own business? Huh.....