
written by 21 years old female. Borned in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia and live in Madison, Wisconsin USA.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Non specific

Tuesday is one day in a week that I work from 2 pm to 9 pm, seven straight hours, crazy I know! It's fun though, coz you actually running around helping people, which I like.
Don't know whether I'm happy or stress today, but I did eat a lot today. And mostly are snacks *groaned* . Come on jia you, ganbattee, remember halle berry (ya nga elka =p)
Browsing Friendster today, and found some old friends, jeez I miss them a lot, and miss those high school time.

I was wondered today coz one of my friend said that I'm one straight forward gal. And I really dont think so. but if I do, is it a good thing or a bad one? *shrugged*

I guess I'm done for today, tomorrow must be have more entry, soalnya besok ada banyak rencana, mulai dari renang, bikin lapis surabaya, etc2, sip dech!