
written by 21 years old female. Borned in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia and live in Madison, Wisconsin USA.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Nobody is Perfect

Gue baru-baru ini mengamati kiri kanan gue. Gue perhati-in org2 di sekitar gue. And.... I noticed something and I want to share with everyone. I notice that nobody is perfect.

As examples, Si A, he's so cool, he's nice, handsome, but not that smart. L, she's active, she's mature, but she's soooo bosy ( I mean it, she's so bosy and its really annoy me) that make her not nice.
M, she's smart, she's nice, she's rich, but she's can be consider as a geek. Last one is S, he's smart, capable in almost everything, good looking, and great friend too, but dia org-nya lupa-an.

Abis merhati-in mereka, gue jadi nyadar, ternyata Tuhan itu emang adil, semua org ada kelebihan ama kekurangan-nya masing-masing.

Somehow I felt my confidence rise. I used to fell that I'm this one ugly, stupid duck, but now, not anymore.